Monday, 26 December 2011

Fashion is Passion

When you hear the word “fashion”, what do you have in mind? Wonderful clothes with unique patterns? Open-toe shoes up to wedges shoes? Skinny models, catwalk, and world-well-known designers?
In fact, as a woman, I believe that fashion contains more than that. It reveals our lifestyles, whether we’re economical and thrifty or extravagant and consumptive. It shows our characters, our strength, what we like and what we don’t. Moreover, it is fashion that makes people judge us before they know us.
It is true that fashion has a big impact on our lives. From the time we were born, we have been surrounded by fashion and as fashion changes from time to time, we do too. But how this little thing can change us, a big population? How does fashion take control of us without us realizing about it? Let’s go back in 1980s where Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze’s “Ghost” became such hysteria. “Ghost” wasn’t just the number one in Box Office; it was also a proof of fashion’s tremendous effects. Remember Demi Moore’s boyish pixie haircut in the film? As the film went up to the top, many of the young girls were hypnotized by Moore’s haircut and togetherily went to barber shops to have their hair cut exactly the same as Moore has showed it in the film. Wow, isn’t it amazing?
Fashion is all about passion. No matter what trends are in now, women had better find clothes that suit their bodies and characteristics rather than clothes that are popular but aren’t comfortable for them. You are what you wear, so I think it’s important to wear beautiful clothes as long as they reflect your truly personalities. 

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